Credit Training Services is pleased to offer to all companies and businesses of all sizes, that provides credit facilities for their customers, workshops in the following areas;
2) The ACCC Debt Collection Guidelines and the Privacy Act
3) The Legal System in Relation to Debt Collection
These workshops are held at various venuesaround Australia (and New Zealand) being either full day or half day, (please contact us if you only wish to attend a half day workshop).
We also conduct the workshops on site at your premises and these workshops can be tailored to your specific needs, for further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
All of our workshops are aimed to be of a practical nature and not just "theory", this is achieved by many years of experience and by conducting role plays with the attendees.
The workshops cater to all levels of experience from the new credit officer through to the most experienced credit manager.
Also many business owners, company directors and financial officers and even in some instances sales managers and their staff have attended the workshops.